Peeling Potatoes: Katie's Story
It is 1914. Katie lives with her widowed
mother and four older siblings on the edge of a coal mine near the
river. Her young life is about to change. She must start school one
year early so Mama can work fulltime. Katie speaks Russian, but she
hardly knows any English words....
Tell Me About My Father: Wasyl's Story
In 1917 the United States is recovering from WWI. Inflation hits
hard, especially in the coal regions of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Families already living in poverty are forced to make difficult
decisions. What groceries are optional? Does Mama really need cream
on her coffee? Probably not. Is a...
From the Mine to the Mansion: Ann's Story
At thirteen, as the oldest child in her family, Ann
bravely steps into the role of an adult, working full-time in
service to a wealthy family uptown. In the mansion on the hill, she
meets the class differences and modern conveniences that separate
her family's neighborhood of mine-owned...